Spectrix is a classic card game (rummy variant) "designed for color lovers of all ages." Unfortunately, the colors frustrated both the professional "color lovers" (due to the inconsistent printing and unclear order of the spectrum) and the colorblind players (who again just had to sit this game out). A redesign of this game needed to improve the beautiful color spectrum promise of Spectrix while allowing for full participation from all players even if they love colors in a deuteranopic way.
Photo credit Funnybone Toys®
Swatchrix solves all of the problems of the Spectrix cards by repurposing actual paint swatches*. Now the printing quality is much better and more consistent, the spectrum has more gradual transitions between colors, and most importantly, all the colors have names and numbers associated with them.
*Support your local communally owned hardware store, and when you want a bunch of free paint swatches, they’ll give them to you!
Using large square paint swatches also allows you to double the number of cards by cutting the swatches into two rectangles. This leaves you with a set of cards with numbers and a set of cards with names. Both sets got a spectrum reference tile, but for this set with numbers I also laser etched a 12 sided token showing all of the numbers in order (since the spacing between the numbers chosen is inconsistent).
The 12 sided barrel itself is made from reclaimed cedar and holds the cards, tile, and token. The acrylic lid locks against the inner shape of the barrel with a satisfying 15° turn.
The second set has cards with the paint swatch color names visible, so the lid of the box slides out and can be used as a second reference plaque. The colors are listed in order in a repeating list.